- 亞洲四小龍國際化最高的新加坡和香港是如何做自學?他們面對的機會和挑戰是哪些?How do Singapore and Hong Kong, the four most internationalized Asian Tigers, do self-study? What are the opportunities and challenges they face?
- 主持人:陳怡光 保障教育選擇權聯盟 總召集人 Tim Chen, Taiwan Homeschool Advocates
- 與談人:
- 李子樂/Trevor Lee 香港教育大學教育政策與領導學系助理教授
In this presentation, I would like to share the background, legal framework, and my preliminary observations derived from my current research project about homeschooling families in Hong Kong. - Dawn Fung, community leader and founder of Homeschool Singapore (www.homeschoolsingapore.sg)
I will be sharing the developments of homeschooling in Singapore and the differences pre and post-covid.
- 李子樂/Trevor Lee 香港教育大學教育政策與領導學系助理教授