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直覺力與藝術創作 (Intuitional Development through Art )



從開始動腦「想」、到動手「做」、然後「用心」完成,就算經歷一個「創作」的歷程。人類「創造」、「創作」的心思和行為稱之為「美學」(不拘限於藝術媒材),我們的「文明」也由此開端。 但,隨著教育規約的馴化、以及社會商品消費的盛行,我們好像失去了「創造」、「創作」的能力,從最基本的食(種植)、衣(編織)、住(造屋)、育(自學)、醫療(自我治癒)等等,全都喪失「自造」的能力。





「透過藝術發展直覺」簡單說明: Intuitional Development through Art The higher levels of mind are known as the intuitional layers of mind. We know we are in that level when we experience feelings of spontaneous joy, inner peace, love for others and sweet feelings. Our mental wavelength is not short due to stress, mental objects, and the burdens of daily living. The development of those layers is known as the Aesthetic science. Any practice which converts the feelings of mind from ugliness into beauty, from crudeness into subtlety, from pain to pleasure comes within the scope of aesthetic science. The practice of classical dance, singing of spiritual songs, architecture, literature, painting, the arts all come within the scope of aesthetic science and enable us to develop the intuitional levels of mind.

Intuitional Development Through Art

What is Intuition?

  • Intuition is a higher level of consciousness
  • The ability to acquire knowledge without the use of reason.
  • The right brain is popularly associated with intuitive processes such as creativity and expression of beauty through the arts.

How Is Our Mental Wavelength and Mind Related?

  • Our normal consciousness is centred around material objects.
  • The vibration of our minds at that time is short.
  • The shorter the wavelength the greater is our engagement with material objects.
  • When the mental wavelength is very short we may even feel stress, tension or imbalance

How Is Our Mental Wavelength and Mind Related?

  • A long mental wavelength indicates the mind is enjoying a subtle object.
  • The experience of the mind at this time is more expansive, peaceful and subtle.
  • When the mental wavelength becomes completely straight it means the mind has merged into it origin known as the soul.
  • This merger of mind into the soul is termed by different names in different cultures and belief systems: yoga, Samadhi, salvation or infinite happiness.

General Human Psychology

  • When humans experience something subtle they will reject the crude.
  • There is an inner urge to experience the subtle within the crude.
  • There is an inner urge to experience more and more subtle feelings, and thought.

“There is in the living being a thirst for limitlessness”

Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

What is Basic Human Urge?

  • All beings want a comfortable environment to express their feelings.
  • All beings want mental peace
  • When the vibration coming from any object finds a sympathetic vibration with the vibration of that mind, that is called pleasure.
  • Conversely when the vibration coming from any object finds a disharmonious vibration with the vibration of that mind, that is called pain.

What are Examples of Human Progress in Field of Mental Development?

  • Ancient humans used to sing and dance
  • Then they developed rhythmic dance
  • From rhythmic dance they developed classical dance
  • They used mudras and eyes to convey feelings.

What are Examples of Human Progress in Field of Mental Development?

  • Ancient humans used to eat their food raw
  • Later they discovered the art of baking food through fire
  • Still later they developed the art of adding salt and spices to their food to enjoy the taste of food even more.
  • Many tasty dishes are enjoyed by people all over the word through the use of different spices and herbs.

What are Examples of Human Progress in Field of Mental Development?

  • The early movies were made without sound
  • Later talking movies were created.
  • Still later movies with color were created.
  • Now three dimensional movies are made.
  • Most people would not like any more to watch silent movies in black and white as their inner urge is to experience the subtle and the beautiful not the crude and the ugly.

How Do We Feel When We Experience Our Intuition?

  • Peaceful
  • Inner Joy
  • Sweetness
  • Relaxed
  • Love
  • Beyond the ordinary
  • Creative
  • Dynamic, motivated

What is the Difference Between Intuition and Intellect?

  • One pointed *Multi-directional
  • Peaceful *Scattered
  • Subtle *Material
  • Expansive *Object centered
  • Creative *Analytical
  • Compassionate *Ego-centred

How Can We Reach Our Intuitional Level?

  • Various forms of subtle art bring the mind to longer wavelengths.
  • Appropriate expressions in music, dance, painting and drama can enable the mind to transcend the ordinary.
  • Nature
  • Meditation
  • Creative visualization

What are Some Examples of Intuitional Development?

  • Human progress is always pushed forward by inventors, mystics, artists who have tapped into the intuitional level and received higher knowledge for the benefit of the entire human race.
  • Higher insights are experienced when we transcend the lower levels of mind
  • Many inventions are the result of an insight or flash of the inventor when he accessed the subtler levels of consciousness beyond the mundane.

"I saw in a dream a table where all elements fell into place as required. Awakening, I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper, only in one place did a correction later seem necessary.” Dmitri Mendeleev, Inventor of Periodic Table

Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. Albert Einstein

Why is Connecting To Our Intuition Important?

  • We become more complete
  • Human being is composed of physical, mental and spiritual components
  • Proper human development should enable growth in all three areas
  • A balance in all three levels will bring the greatest amount of happiness and satisfaction in human life.

How Does Art Develop Our Intuition?

  • Stimulates higher mental potentials
  • Brings beauty into life
  • Motivates us to lead a more noble life
  • Helps us to discover our higher human purpose

Why Developing Intuition is Important For our Education System?

  • Current education trains us to be obedient servants of a system whose ultimate purpose is to enrich a few at the cost of the many.
  • There is less opportunity in current education models to develop the subtler feelings of mind and heart.
  • Current education limits the full development of human personality.
  • Many people work in jobs which they do not like but are forced to do in order to support their families.

How Can We Introduce Intuitional Development in our Education Curriculum?

  • Incorporate activities that bring inner joy and creativity
  • Story telling
  • Art forms that develop the subtle: painting, drawing, music, dance, sculpture, drama, musical instruments, etc.
  • Gardening
  • Meditation
  • Value based education
  • Teachers as ideal role models

The Core Values of Neohumanist Education

*E: Enlargement of Mind

*D: DESMEP (Discipline, Etiquette, Smartness, Manners, English, Pronounciation)

*U: Universal Outlook

*C: Character

*A: Active Habits

*T: Trustworthiness

*I: Ideation of the Great

*O: Omniscient Grace

*N: Nice Temperament